
2010年4月23日2隊來自凱撒里茲的隊伍參加華盛頓州立大學年度商業計畫比賽,競爭隊伍有來自中國及美國。On April 23rd, 2010, two teams of students from “César Ritz” Colleges Switzerland (CRCS) participated in the annual Washington State University Entrepreneurial Business Plan Competition, competing against strong teams from China and America:

Datek公司的”Touch me” 一張在咖啡廳與餐館中可以提供人性化服務的電動桌子。Touch Me by Datek Inc. – An electronic media table for use in coffee shops and restaurants creating personalized service experiences

David Aisemberg (薩爾瓦多)
Vanja Ljubisavljevic (克羅地亞)
Antonella Miglionico (義大利)
APMG小組的Aina-Line兒童保健 一套極具價值的兒童保健特許系統,以補充中亞發展中的經濟。Aina-Line Child Care by APMG Group – A high value child care franchise system complementing the developing economies of Central Asia

Aidar Albekov (哈薩克斯坦)
Nurtolkyn Dadikbayeva (哈薩克斯坦)
Kuanysh Zeinelov (哈薩克斯坦)
Howard Spurlock (華盛頓州立大學交換生)
APMG小組獲得傑出獎並頒與獎金$1,000,我們對於這些學生的表現感到非常驕傲,也很恭喜他們獲獎The APMG Group gave an outstanding performance and won prize money of $1,000 in the Not for Profit Category. We are very proud of the students’ achievements and we would like to congratulate them for their outstanding performance.