

2015-03-17 經濟日報 劉立諭



世界盛名、有「培育總經理搖籃」美譽的瑞士凱撒里茲(Cesar Ritz)飯店管理大學是全球飯店管理教育權威,由「飯店管理之父」Mr.Cesar Ritz於1982年創立,至今已有32年傳統歷史,傳承其瑞士旅館管理成功經驗及高品質理念辦學,旨在提供全世界一流國際飯店管理教育及培養卓越領導人,目前畢業校友遍及世界各地擔任知名飯店總經理及主管等要職。



瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學校園環境悠美。 林肯企管/提供



林肯企管電話(02)2781-8878 ,網址www.lincoln.com.tw。





2015-03-10 經濟日報 劉立諭


位於瑞士日內瓦湖畔的蒙投市景色怡人 林肯企管/提供


瑞士Gstaad寄宿中學風景悠美 林肯企管/提供



資料來源news resource: http://money.udn.com/storypage.php?sub_id=5723&art_id=756366&ch=fb_share


(English Press release)

To promote education, tourism and opportunities for Taiwanese students studying abroad in Switzerland, Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd collaborated with Swiss International Airlines to provide NT$10,000 of airfare Scholarship for 50 Taiwanese student candidates who apply for the registration from March 05, 2015 to December 30, 2015 through Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd. Eligible students must hold a student visa for Switzerland and study in boarding schools, universities, hotel management colleges and culinary arts academies in Switzerland.


Please refer to the following for details of application:

Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd   TEL: 02-2781 8878

Hosted by: Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd

Sponsored by: Swiss International Airlines   SWISS_logo 林肯LOGO                      


林肯企管邁入21年是瑞士教育專家~30多所瑞士學校指定在台灣代表學校招生申請及免費協助申請入學, 瑞士簽證文件準備定期明會及行前說明會. 歡迎預約免費諮詢或參加每周六下物2:30pm說明會.


林肯企管顧問有限公司 (瑞士國際教育諮詢中心)

台北市106大安區忠孝東路四段1483F-2 (禮仁通商大樓, 仁座,捷運:忠孝敦化站5號出口)TEL:02-2781-8878 (總機)

FAX:02- 2781-8829 http://www.lincoln.com.tw




新聞稿Press Release Date: 2015/03/05


Headline好消息!為推廣瑞士教育與觀光及協助台灣學生赴瑞士留學之機會,林肯企管顧問公司與瑞士航空公司攜手合作提供留學瑞士住宿中學、瑞士大學、瑞士飯店管理大學及廚藝學院之台灣留學生從2015年3月5日起至12月30日透過林肯企管顧問公司申請學校的新生, 並取得瑞士學生簽證者,將提供50位學生瑞士國際航空公司機票獎學金,每位台幣1萬元。



林肯企管顧問公司 TEL:02-2781 8878


Great News! To promote education, tourism and opportunities for Taiwanese students studying abroad in Switzerland, Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd collaborated with Swiss International Airlines to provide NT$10,000 of airfare Scholarship for 50 Taiwanese student candidates who apply for the registration from March 05, 2015 to December 30, 2015 through Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd. Eligible students must hold a student visa for Switzerland and study in boarding schools, universities, hotel management colleges and culinary arts academies in Switzerland.

Please refer to the following for details of application:

Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd   TEL: 02-2781 8878

主辦單位:林肯企管顧問公司     協辦單位: 瑞士航空公司

Hosted by: Lincoln Management Consultants Co., Ltd

Sponsored by: Swiss International Airlines


《台灣》Headline news! 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學與國立台北大學合作雙聯學位

Headline news!  瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學與國立台北大學合作雙聯學位

瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學所屬瑞士教育集團SEG總裁Mr. Florent Rondez,

代表凱撒里茲飯店管理大學於2014年11月拜訪台灣姊妹校 – 國立台北大學,與校長相談甚歡。由


2015年4月Mr Florent Rondez將再拜訪國立台北大學並將對有興趣到瑞士姊妹校進修飯店及觀光管理雙聯學位學生






From left to right, Jennifer Kuo, CRCS Taiwan Representative, Guy Peter, Marketing Director, Asia-Pacific SEG, President of NTPU Prof Fu-Jiing Shiue, Florent Rondez, CEO of SEG, Michelle Shih, CRCS Taiwan Representative, Irene Liang, Project Manager, OIA of NTPU
CEO Florent Rondez and NTPU President Professor Fu-Jiing Shiue

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland is proud to announce its latest dual degree academic partnership with the National Taipei University in Taipei, Taiwan.

NTPU is a top ranked university well known for its high academic standards and demanding selection process across Taiwan.

Representing César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Swiss Education Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Florent Rondez travelled to Taipei, Taiwan in November of 2014 to endorse and celebrate this academic agreement.

He shared: “With our students’ interests always at heart, we look forward to a rewarding collaboration in the future.” Mr. Rondez will be returning to Taipei this April to deliver a guest lecture for the hospitality students enrolled in the programme.

Special thanks to Michelle Shih and Jennifer Kuo, who played important roles in the launch of this collaboration project.



《台灣》林肯企管顧問 瑞士教育權威


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林肯企管顧問 瑞士教育權威

2015-01-22 經濟日報 劉立諭


尤其瑞士飯店管理課程更是享譽國際,例如瑞士凱撒里茲(Cesar Ritz)飯店管理大學就培養許多成功校友分布全球五星級豪華飯店擔任主管。該校全程英語授課,學生可多學習到法文或德文附加價值,提供就業職場很大優勢,同時飯店管理訓練課程嚴謹,50%在凱撒里茲上課,50%在瑞士飯店支薪實習。


林肯企管執行長石英雀Michelle(右)與歐洲廚藝老師Chef Duval Roland在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學布夫雷LeBouveret校區上課時合影。 林肯企管/提供


林肯企管是推動「瑞士教育」領導品牌公司,每月定期舉辦免費入場瑞士教育講座,1月31日上午 11點舉行「瑞士住宿中學講座」及下午2點30分舉行「瑞士飯店管教育講座」,歡迎預約入席。

林肯企管電話(02) 2781-8878 ,網址 www.lincoln.com.tw。

資料來源: 2015.01.22經濟日報及聯合財經網http://money.udn.com/storypage.php?sub_id=5723&art_id=658997

《瑞士》Mr César Ritz凱撒里茲先生在創辦巴黎里茲飯店時期展覽文物在瑞士凱撒里茲 飯店管理飯店展出,來勵志學生學習Mr César Ritz的精神。

2014.10.27  Headline新聞稿


Mr César Ritz凱撒里茲先生在創辦巴黎里茲飯店時期展覽文物在瑞士凱撒里茲 飯店管理飯店展出,來勵志學生學習Mr César Ritz的精神。


Dear colleagues


pleased to inform you that finally the items lend to César Ritz by the Ritz Paris have found their way

into the 1st floor Salon and in the lobby window display.

Some further adjustment will be made but in the meantime I sincerely hope they will be inspirational to

our students.


Kindest Regards


Florent Rondez


高興地通知您,終於把Ritz Hotel Paris里茲巴黎找到自己的方式 ,

將凱撒里茲先生在創辦時期的巴黎里茲飯店展覽文物放在進入一樓Cesar Ritz在沙龍和大堂窗口顯示。














lincoln@copyright reserved 





國際事務處於日2014年9月18辦理 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店 管理大學北大雙聯留學生朱彥穎返校分享會及3+2學程說明會。
瑞士凱撒里茲飯店 管理大學代表Jennifer 向同學說明凱撒里茲飯店 管理大學的雙聯學位課程及由現在在凱撒里茲飯店 管理大學就學的北大雙聯留學生朱彥穎返校分享在當地留學心得感想。

若有任何問題可以寄至jennifer.kuo@lincoln.com.tw 詢問相關細節。


10520513_583235605135875_4383255107473214063_o (1) 10476548_583235808469188_4199532462111417579_o 10633443_583235811802521_4747918409933577690_o 10468148_583235668469202_3153947854269648341_o 10648470_583235641802538_4223798599398993926_o 10636358_583235738469195_862754095399535922_o 10582943_583235598469209_7387684524623419312_o 1965529_583235711802531_8428795555015467244_o 10520513_583235605135875_4383255107473214063_o 10682293_583235581802544_8412258589192476426_o

《瑞士》【好消息】恭喜! Headline!瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學碩士及廚藝學士合作的英國國立德比大學於2015 英國衛報排行榜榮獲第一名!

瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學碩士及廚藝學士合作的英國國立德比大學University of Derby 於2015 英國衛報( The Guardian )餐旅、專案管理、觀光管理系排行榜榮獲第一名Top One ,University guide 2015: league table for hospitality, event management and tourism。詳細請瀏覽以下網站:http://www.theguardian.com/education/ng-interactive/2014/jun/03/university-guide-2015-league-table-for-hospitality-event-management-and-tourism


將來凱撒里茲學生完成碩士除了可以取得世界知名Top瑞士凱撒里茲大學研究所文憑以外,也可以取得英國Top One餐旅觀光排名第一的英國國立德比大學University of Derby 碩士學位。瑞士廚藝學院學生完成三年廚藝學士課程,也可以取得University of Derby 學士學位。




《瑞士》【號外】2014 新版學生簽證須知



林肯企管顧問公司 (免費協助申請入學及簽證文件準備, 行前說明會)

台北市 106 大安區忠孝東路四段 148 號 3F-2 (禮仁通商大樓, 仁座,

捷運:忠孝敦化站 5 號出口)TEL:02-2781-8878 (總機) FAX:02- 2781-8829


《瑞士》Headline News! 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 新聞稿

恭賀! 2013年10月台灣入學學生,包括飯店管理及廚藝課程, 獲得瑞士及海外

1. 瑞士廚藝學院: Ms Annie 獲得 17等級Gault Millau高級餐廳協助廚師工作
as we call Ms. Chen has indeed signed a contract with the Restaurant Rigiblick in Lauerz http://www.rigiblick-lauerz.ch. The restaurant is rated at 17 Gault Millau Points which is very high and Annie will have the opportunity to learn a lot from the chefs there. The restaurant is located directly on a lake and Annie could swim every day just at her door steps.

2. 瑞士廚藝學院:Ms. Sally Chen獲得The Chedi Andermatt 瑞士5 星級飯店實習工作star has signed a contract with The Chedi Andermatt a 5 star deluxe Hotel in Andermatt Switzerland http://www.thechedi-andermatt.com. The hotel is brand new and the chef is very well known.

3. 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學Mr Morgan Chen獲得 阿布達比Grand Millennium Al Wahda 5 星級飯店實習工作 will work at the Grand Millennium Al Wahda in Abu Dhabi http://www.millenniumhotels.ae/grandmillenniumalwahda. this is a 5 star property and Morgan will also get a good training.

4. 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學Mr. Chu Andy will conduct his internship in the French part of Switzerland. His French is good and I speak to him often in French. His internship is scheduled at the Café du Poste in Lutry a very busy restaurant located very close to Lausanne and also on the lake. It is a beautiful area of Switzerland-

5. 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 Ms. Christina Hsu 獲得 Hotel Baur au Lac in Zürich , 5 星級飯店實習工作will do her internship at the prestigious 5 Star Hotel Baur au Lac in Zürich https://www.bauraulac.ch/. The Baur au Lac was named Hotel of the year in 2013 and is one of the leading hotels of the world.


Nicole Beckmann

妮可•貝克曼(Nicole Beckmann),在瑞士廚藝學院盧森校區擔任廚藝講師。2013年11月參加在瑞士巴塞爾(Basel)舉辦的國際飯店及餐飲專業人士展覽會的比賽,榮獲冰淇淋大師(Ice Cream Master 2013)的頭銜!

經過幾輪的比賽,妮可製作的冰淇淋美的不僅是味覺,同時也是視覺的一大享受。與最後的三名對手進行為期五個多小時的賽程,是一場甜點的激烈競爭!結專業評審團品嚐和測試並審議後,宣布了妮可•貝克曼(Nicole Beckmann)為本次大賽的獲勝者。瑞士廚藝學院全體師生是非常自豪的 Nicole 的成就,恭喜!


科林‧費爾德(Colin Field)被美國富比士雜誌稱為世界上最偉大的調酒師,也是巴黎里茲酒店(Ritz Hotel)的首席調酒師,在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學布夫雷校區(Le Bouveret)中指導二年級的廚藝學院學生酒和飲料課程中的一部分。科林給學生講授酒的歷史之後,才開始講解如何客制化和銷售雞尾酒,最後以干邑白蘭地(Cognac)的分析、雞尾酒比較以及如何製作雞尾酒的實務課程來結尾。巴黎里茲酒店首席調酒師科林‧費爾德以創造傳奇的海明威酒吧(Hemingway Bar)而著名。而當酒店經歷重大整修,酒吧關門,科林便周遊世界各地的酒吧、探索雞尾酒並尋找海明威酒吧的氣氛!很榮幸地歡迎科林‧費爾德造訪布夫雷(Le Bouveret),讓幸參加課程的學生有非常高興和非常深刻印象的一天。

World’s Greatest Bartender in Residence

Colin Field, known as the World’s Greatest Bartender and Head Bartender at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, spent the day at César Ritz Colleges in Le Bouveret mentoring 2nd year culinary students.

As a part of the students wine and beverage course, Colin began by giving
students the history of alcohol before moving on to a session on how to
personalize and sell cocktails and finishing with a practical class on cognac
analysis, cocktail comparison and how to make cocktails.
Head Bartender at the Ritz in Paris, Colin Field is renowned for creating the
legendary Hemingway Bar. With the bar closed whilst the hotel undergoes
major renovations, Colin is travelling the world visiting bars, making cocktails and searching for a Hemingway Bar atmosphere!

It was an honour to welcome Colin Field to Le Bouveret and the students who were lucky enough to join the class were absolutely delighted and highly impressed by the day.


Dear All,

 Good News!!!

 Look… luxury Hotel school lobby in Le Bouveret campus of “Cesar Ritz” Colleges Switzerland.

好消息! 請看剛完工的瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學,布夫雷校區新Lobby及新實習餐廳、學生聯誼廳設備等


lobby2 lobby3 lobby4 lobby5 lobby6 lobby7 lobby8 lobby9 lobby10 lobby11 lobby12 lobby13 lobby14 lobby15


林肯企管顧 問公司 (費協助申請入學及簽證文件準備行前說明會)

台北市106大安區忠孝東路四段1483F-2 (禮仁通商大樓, 仁座,

捷運:忠孝敦化站5號出口)TEL:02-2781-8878 (總機) FAX:02- 2781-8829 http://www.lincoln.com.tw

e-mail: Taipei@ritz.eduMichelle.Shih@lincoln.com.tw

《瑞士》【恭賀】瑞士Cesar Ritz College碩士學位新增new partner-Derby University, UK

瑞士 Cesar Ritz College 碩士學位新增新合作夥伴 new partner-Derby University, UK


瑞士 Cesar Ritz College 碩士學位新增 new partner-Derby University, UK, 2014 年榮或英國 Guardian 排行榜觀光及休閒運動類系排行榜全英國 Top 5. (參考資料 link)

未來在瑞士 Cesar Ritz College 完成碩士學位可以取得 Cesar Ritz College 的 Postgraduate Diploma 及 Derby University, UK 碩士學位.





More than 100 research papers, including those from César Ritz Colleges staff and graduates, were presented at the 31st EuroCHRIE conference.


Held in Freiburg, Germany, the conference welcomed 170 delegates from 31 nations representing 85 institutions.

Susan Fournier, Past President I-CHRIE and lecturer at César Ritz Colleges, presented her paper:”Predictor of Success on Hospitality Management Degrees”. Co-authored with Dr. Liz Ineson, the research highlighted the correlation of successful hospitality students to their English level on entry, the completion of a leadership programme and their industry internship. César Ritz Colleges alumni Goran Yordanov presented his work “Emotional Intelligence of Bulgarian Hotel Managers” while Thomas Leib from César Ritz Colleges and Washington State University detailed the “Tourists’ Perception and Evaluation of a Region’s Destination Image: The Case of the Baltic States”.

The European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (EuroCHRIE) is the official federation for Europe, the MediterraneanBasin, the Middle East and Africa for CHRIE, the leading international organization that supports education and training hospitality professionals.




The numbers speak for themselves: 200 recruiters representing over 60 world-class companies, conducted more than 2700 individual interviews over the two days of the forum!


Illustrating the international dimension of the event, companies recruiting for positions around the world included, the Accor Group, Disneyland Paris, Emirates Airlines, Four Seasons, Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental, Marriott International, Relais & Châteaux, Swiss Airlines, Fairmont, Raffles & Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts and The Ritz Carlton group.

The IRF has become an important event for many of the companies present and as Michel Gehrig, Vice President Talent Development at Kempinski Hotels explained, “We take part in the International Recruitment Forum as it is a unique opportunity to exchange with talented young people from all over the world. Kempinski will continue to grow over the next few years, and is expected to have at least 95 hotels under management by the end 2015. This means our workforce must grow at the same pace as our portfolio; therefore it is crucial that we get the fundamental things right, and attract the managers of tomorrow to our company today.”

The next edition of the International Recruitment Forum will be held on the 10th and 11th of March 2014

《瑞士》【號外】美國華盛頓州立大學2013年 U.S.News 排行榜出爐!!!

號外捷報 Headline! 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 2013 年 U.S.News World Report 排行榜出爐!!!

 WSU Rankings (排行榜)


(美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 WSU-Washington State University, College of Buisness 是 AACSB 認證)

請看 WSU 官方網頁 http://www.business.wsu.edu/overview/Pages/Rankings.aspx

CB’s online MBA degree program with a marketing concentration is ranked #1 in the United States by TheBestSchools.org.( 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State University, College of Buisness Online線上商學研究所包括 On line MBA 及 EMBA 排名全美第一名.)

Hospitality Program Ranked 8th Nationally Among Hospitality Programs.(餐旅課程全美排名第 8.) 

Hospitality Program Research Productivity Ranked 9th in World (餐旅管理課程研究生產力全球排名第 Top 9)

Outstanding International Business Program(傑出國際商業課程, 全美排名 20.)

In a comparison of 382 programs the WSU College of Business is ranked 72nd overall and 45th among public institutions inU.S. News & World Report Best Undergraduate Business Programs Rankings for 2013. (根據 2013 年 US News World Report: 在 382 課程比較當中, 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院排名 72 名, 公立大學中排名第 45 名)

詳細請流覽以下美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State

University, College of Buisness 網站有關 2013 年 Ranking.

請看 WSU 官方網頁http://www.business.wsu.edu/overview/Pages/Rankings.aspx

Rankings (排行榜)


(美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State University, College of Buisness 是 AACSB 認證)

CB Has AACSB Accreditation Held By Only 2% of Business Schools Worldwide WSU College of Business is among two percent of business schools worldwide to achieve accreditation at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the most respected business program accrediting entity.The WSU accounting program is one of only 176 programs worldwide with separate AACSB accounting accreditation.


CB is ranked #1 Best Online Graduate Business Programs 2013

by U.S. News & World Report.

The evaluation includes the online MBA and Executive MBA programs.

美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State University, College of Buisness Online線上商學研究所包括 on line MBA 及 EMBA 排名全美第一名.

CB’s online MBA degree program with a marketing concentration is ranked #1 in the United States byTheBestSchools.org.

Undergraduate Business Program Ranked in Top 20% of (Accredited) Business Programs

In a comparison of 382 programs the WSU College of Business is ranked 72nd overall and 45th among public institutions inU.S. News & World Report Best Undergraduate Business Programs Rankings for 2013.

(根據 2013 年 US News World Report: 在 382 課程比較當中, 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院排名 72 名, 公立大學中排名第 45 名)

Hospitality Program Ranked 8th Nationally Among Hospitality Programs

(餐旅課程全美排名第 8.)

Founded in 1932, WSU’s hospitality program is the third oldest in the nation, and is consistently rated in the top five percent of similar programs around the country (www.thebestschools.org)

Hospitality Program Research Productivity Ranked 9th in World

(餐旅管理課程研究生產力全球排名第 9)

The School of Hospitality Business Management ranks ninth in the world for articles contributed to scholarly journals—a measure of faculty research productivity. (Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2011). A unique aspect of the program is its engagement of executives from major senior care services companies to train students in managing the burgeoning number of senior living communities nationwide.

Outstanding International Business Program (傑出國際商業課程, 全美排名 20.)

The nationally recognized International Business Institute sponsors faculty-led global learning programs in China, Switzerland, Thailand, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Tanzania. The nternational Business Program for undergraduates ranks 20th in the nation(US News & World Report, 2013).

Entrepreneurship Program

  • The WSU entrepreneurship program has been ranked in the top 25 nationally by Entrepreneur magazine and the Princeton Review.
  • During the Annual Business Plan Competition student teams from three continents vie for $150,000 in awards. But the impact of the competition far outlasts the awards ceremony. Many contestants turn their plans into reality by launching their new ventures.

Information Systems Faculty Ranked

Information systems faculty were ranked #11, #14, #18, and #26 in the Top 100 Rankings of Researchers (2009-2011) worldwide by the Senior Scholars Basket of Journals.

The College of Business Department of Information Systems ranked #13 and #15 in the Top 100 Rankings of Schools.

(2009-2011) worldwide by the Senior Scholars Basket of Journals.



Washington State University Earns Place on National Honor Roll for Community Service Washington State University was named to the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. This designation is the highest honor a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning, and civic engagement. More information on the Honor Roll can be found at http://nationalservice.gov.

U.S. News and World Report

WSU consistently ranks among the nation’s top 60 public research universities (“Best Colleges 2010”).

The Wall Street Journal named Washington State University one of the nation’s 25 best schools to hire from based on where corporate recruiters are finding the best-prepared college grads.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 

  • One of the nation’s top public research institutions, WSU stands among 96 U.S. public and private universities with very high research activity, according to the Carnegie Foundation classification.
  • WSU is among 119 national universities and colleges assigned the Community Engagement Classification for both curricular engagement and outreach and partnerships with larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the exchange of knowledge and resources by the Carnegie Foundation.

Award-winning Online Degree Program

WSU Online stands among the nation’s top four online degree programs according to the 2012 Smart Choice rankings by SuperScholar which cites the University’s outstanding academic reputation.

U.S. News & World Report ranks the University’s online bachelor’s degree programs in the nation’s top six for student services and technology.

WSU Online ranks among the nation’s top six distance learning programs for its military-friendliness, according to the 2012 Guide to Online Schools.

Veteran-friendly Environment

For two consecutive years, WSU has ranked among the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools in the nation that are doing the most to embrace America’s veterans as students, according to the magazine G.I. Jobs.



WSU named to President’s honor roll for community service Sunnyside Hill 4th best college-town neighborhood in U.S. (MSN.com website rankings) (WSU News)



Washington State University is ranked 1st in 2010 and 2011 for safety by StateUniversity.com Top Ranked Universities in Washington – Highest Safety Rating.


  • WSU was recognized as one of the nation’s most environmentally-friendly schools for its commitment to sustainability by “The Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges.
  • Washington State University is ranked 10th among national universities by a prominent sustainability website for its developments in clean technology.
  • WSU Pullman has the safest campus among the six public universities and colleges in the state of Washington, a report from StateUniversity.com shows.

College of Business | PO Box 644750 | Washington State University | Pullman WA 99164-4750 | 509-335-3596,

toll free: 888-585-5433 | Contact Us


《瑞士》【號外】美國華盛頓州立大學 2013 U.S.News 排行榜出爐

號外捷報 Headline! 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 2013年 U.S.News World Report 排行榜出爐!!!

WSU Rankings (排行榜)


(美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 WSU-Washington State University, College of Buisness 是AACSB 認證)

請看 WSU 官方網頁 http://www.business.wsu.edu/overview/Pages/Rankings.aspx

CB’s online MBA degree program with a marketing concentration is ranked #1 in the United States by TheBestSchools.org.

( 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State University, College of Buisness Online 線上商學研究所包括 On line MBA 及 EMBA 排名全美第一名.) 

Hospitality Program Ranked 8th Nationally Among Hospitality Programs.

(餐旅課程全美排名第 8.)

Hospitality Program Research Productivity Ranked 9th in World

(餐旅管理課程研究生產力全球排名第 9)

Outstanding International Business Program

(傑出國際商業課程, 全美排名 20.)


In a comparison of 382 programs the WSU College of Business is ranked 72nd overall and 45th among public institutions in U.S. News & World Report Best Undergraduate Business Programs Rankings for 2013.

(根據 2013 年 US News World Report: 在 382 課程比較當中, 美國華盛頓州立大學商學院排名 72 名, 公立大學中排名第 45 名)

詳細請流覽以下美國華盛頓州立大學商學院 Washington State University, College of Buisness 網站有關 2013 年 Ranking.

請看 WSU 官方網頁 http://www.business.wsu.edu/overview/Pages/Rankings.aspx


《瑞士》【恭賀】校友 Dr.Mamoun 博士論文獲得 Sharjah U.A.E Award 第二名

Headline !凱撒里茲校友捷報

恭禧! D r M a’m oun H abiballah 博士在2006年畢業於凱撒里茲飯店大學校友, 取得碩士學位後回到自己國家約旦完成博士學位, 其博士論文獲得 “Sharjah-U.A.E Award”獎第二名. “Sharjah-U.A.E Award”獎由Sharjah王子設立, 獎勵學術論文.




Dr Ma’moun Habiballah graduated with his MSc in International Hospitality Management in 2006 and has since pursued an academic career in his home country of Jordan.

He was recently honoured with second place at the “Sharjah-U.A.E Award” for the best PhD thesis in Business Administration sciences in the Arab world.

The Sharjah Award was established in 2001 under the patronage of his royal highness the prince of Sharjah and aims to enrich the theoretical and practical knowledge in business administration fields and to encourage research in different management topics.

Dr. Habiballah’s thesis, “Factors influencing F&B employees’ Food Safety Behavior (FSB): a study of Jordanian hotels” concerns human behavior as it relates to the health of millions around the world. Investigation showed the influence of food safety on the economies of many countries through its impact on two main sectors: food industries and tourism industries. For example, the cost of foodborne diseases in USA estimated to be $3.5-$7 billion each year. Among different factors explored in Dr. Habiballah’s thesis, culture was found to have the main influence on food handlers’ food safety behavior.


《瑞士》【號外】 84位學生取得學位!

2013年3 月 25日 新聞稿

恭禧! 84位學生成功畢業!!!




Congratulations to the 84 students who officially graduated from César Ritz Colleges on Friday the 22nd of March. The students who represented 30 different nationalities were honoured at a ceremony, which took place in the Simplonhalle in Brig.

Dr Eduard Brogli, the Chancellor of the City of Brig addressed the graduating students and their families, speaking of the important ties between César Ritz Colleges and the city of Brig.

“On behalf of the city of Brig, I pass on our best wishes in your upcoming personal and professional lives.”

A special congratulations should be extended to the students who were awarded for their outstanding achievements;

Exemplary Leadership in the Hospitality Industry:

Mr Fareez Raja Ng, Singapore

Consistent Academic Excellence in Hospitality Studies: 

Mrs Ainur Gazizova, Kazakhstan

Outstanding Performance and Commitment in the Industry training: 

Ms Alexandra Moreton, South Africa


Any question, ask César Ritz Colleges

Starting dates / Course calendar

Request a brochure


《瑞士》來自60家飯店及公司180位人資部參加第9屆 IRF

Headline! 來自60家飯店及公司180位人資部參加第9屆International Recruitment Forum國際就業博覽會, 凱撒里茲學生非常興奮與許多人資部見面




With 180 recruiters representing 60 companies, the 9th International Recruitment Forum was a busy and exciting couple of days for students from César Ritz Colleges.

The list of companies attending read like a who’s who of the hospitality industry and included; Accor, Four Seasons, Fairmont, Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental, Marriott, Kempinski, Shangri-La, Starwood and the Ritz Carlton groups. The hospitality industry is not just restricted to the hotel sector and representatives from the catering, airline, events and cruise sector were also present.

The next edition of the IRF will be held on the 14th and 15th of October 2013.




新聞稿(1) News press: Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012


WSU Hospitality Business Management Bachelor’s offered in Switzerland


http://www.business.wsu.edu/WSU-CR/Pages/default.aspx and http://news.wsu.edu/pages/publications.asp?Action=Detail&PublicationID=32390&TypeID=1


The WSU College of Business in Switzerland Read news release

美國華盛頓州立大學Washington State University (WSU)與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 術合作 30多年,已超過 1000位美國華盛頓州立大學畢業生透過到瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學唸書而取得學士學位. 學生有 2種選擇可以到瑞士 Cesar Ritz Colleges 或美國本校完成學位.

For nearly 30 years, the WSU College of Business (CB) has provided unique educational programs in Europe with César Ritz Colleges of Switzerland. Students from around the state of Washington and around the world have benefited from these educational opportunities in one of Europe’s most beautiful and safest countries. Since 1984, nearly 1,000 WSU students have studied or received their WSU degree through César Ritz Colleges. Students have two options to participate in programs offered by the WSU College of Business and César Ritz:


For students (not currently enrolled in WSU), it is possible to obtain the WSU Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management degree on-site in Switzerland, while also obtaining the César Ritz International Business bachelor’s degree. This program offering is unique to higher education by combining the expertise and experience of an AACSB-accredited business school and a traditional Swiss hospitality school. The degrees can be obtained in three years of study, including two, six-month internships.


For traditional WSU students in Pullman, Vancouver, the Tri-Cities or the new Global Campus, an 11-week study abroad program is offered during WSU’s Fall and Spring semesters.

Study Abroad Information 


新聞稿(2) News press:


華盛頓州立大學與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 2012年8月16日新聞稿

AACSB accredited WSU Hospitality Business Management Bachelor’s offered in Switzerland


Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012

By Sue McMurray, College of Business

PULLMAN, Wash. – A new program offered by the WSU College of Business in partnership with Switzerland’s César Ritz Colleges will allow students to prepare for a rewarding career in hospitality and business management (HBM), one of the world’s largest industries.

Students from around the world will study and live in Switzerland while completing this unique WSU bachelor’s degree in hospitality business management. WSU is one of few business schools to offer a hospitality degree accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

College of Business Dean Eric Spangenberg and César Ritz Colleges Managing Director Ronan Fitzgerald made it official June 6 at a signing ceremony in Switzerland.

“This is a rare opportunity for students to gain global business perspectives from a traditional Swiss hospitality school in concert with a large American research university,” said Spangenberg. “Our longtime, collaborative partnership with César Ritz Colleges has set the stage for this new venture, which will strengthen both of our institutions’ international reputations.”

The new program stems from a successful partnership established 30 years ago between WSU and César Ritz Colleges and will be a coordinated activity involving faculty and staff of both institutions. The goal is for students to receive both the César Ritz Colleges bachelor’s degree in international business and the WSU bachelor’s degree in hospitality and business management.

“We are very excited to have strengthened our long-term relationship with WSU and believe that this program offers fantastic benefits to students from both institutions,” said Fitzgerald. “A program that combines the best of Swiss hospitality studies with American business ideals is a partnership designed with our student’s future career success in mind.”

Students may choose to begin studying at either the Bouveret or Lucerne campuses of César Ritz Colleges and will complete the degree at the Brig campus. Local WSU faculty will teach courses on-site in Brig.

The degree program may be completed in three years and includes two, six-month industry internships. The WSU curriculum will be delivered via a hybrid of online and onsite courses and will focus on hospitality and business management topics.

“César Ritz will provide fundamental hospitality instruction and also deliver coursework aligned with WSU’s university-wide core curriculum,” said David Sprott, associate dean for Graduate, International, and Professional Programs.

“Students meeting WSU admission standards will then be admitted to WSU to complete more advanced business and hospitality topics on site in Switzerland.”

César Ritz students in the new curriculum program will begin WSU courses in October 2012.

To learn more, visit http://business.wsu.edu/WSU-CR/.

The WSU College of Business is accredited at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels by the AACSB. The college spans campuses across WSU with the largest campus in Pullman, a thriving online campus, and urban campuses located in Vancouver, the Tri-Cities area, an emerging campus in Everett, and global partnerships in China, Switzerland, Thailand, Greece, and many other locations. The college conducts scholarly and applied research, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in a variety of business disciplines, and in hospitality business management, supplementing face-to-face offerings through innovative online learning and international programs. For more information, visit the college’s Web site at www.business.wsu.edu

César Ritz Colleges is one of the Switzerland’s leading hospitality education establishments with a reputation that is perpetuated through the success of its graduates. With three state-of-the-art campuses located throughout Switzerland, students are able to draw from the traditions of Swiss hospitality and experience its diverse cultural and linguistic regions. Industry specific programs, enhanced by periods of professional internship ensure that students graduate ready to take on the challenge of a career in the hospitality industry. For further information visit ww.ritz.edu.



David Sprott, associate dean for Graduate, International and Professional

Programs, 509-335-6869dsprott@wsu.edu

Sue McMurray, WSU College of Business, 509-335-7578, sue.mcmurray@wsu.edu


新聞稿(3) News press:

Washington State University (WSU)全美排行榜Top Ranking 前百大名校與瑞士名校凱撒里茲合作雙學士,學生可轉學分至美國Harvard哈佛大學, UC加州柏克萊,耶Yale Uni.及瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)…etc.



Dear 家長,學生你們好,

恭喜! 瑞士盧森第一家由百年歷史豪華飯店 Union Hotel 改建裝璜成知名豪華飯店學校,2012 年 7 月在 盧森市正式開幕~凱撒里茲飯店管 理大學盧森校區..(請看以下相片)

恭喜! 瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學於 2012 年 7 月 14 日接受台灣知名電視媒體 東森新聞 51 台”李四端的雲端世界”專訪瑞士技職教育 (請看以下 Youtube 連結)


瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 César Ritz Colleges Switzerland總共有 3 個校區, 創瑞士規模最大及專業飯店管理大學:

1) Le Bouveret 布夫雷校區(法語區)

2) Brig 布里格校區(德語區)

3) Lucerne 盧森校區(德語區)

Mr César Ritz(1850~1918) 凱撒里茲先生, 被尊敬為The King of Hoteliers ” 飯店管理之父”. 又稱”豪華飯店經營者之王”凱撒里茲先生, 代表 ” 瑞士飯店管理 ” 是百年來世界創始及奠定經營豪華飯店管理教育先鋒者, 他創辦及經營的飯店都是” 完美品質”及” 藝術”本校榮獲 Mr César Ritz(1850~1918) 凱撒里茲先生家族授權使用凱撒里茲先生為校名, 並實踐他 ” 完美品質”及 〞客人永遠是對的”最高服務管理辦學., 他的名字代表 “無價品牌”.瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 César Ritz  olleges Switzerland” Brand 品牌學校”馳名世界, 校友任職各大國際 5 星級飯店總經理, 又稱” 飯店總經理搖籃”例如台北晶華前人資副總, 遠企香格里拉德籍前總經理, 台中 The One 總經理, …..等優秀校友.

~~ 頂著“凱撒里茲”一流品牌名校畢業 光環, 既是國 際知名連鎖 5 星 級飯店就業保障~~~. 是培養台灣及全球國際知名連鎖 5 星 級飯店”總經理” 最多的名校.凱撒里茲”Cesar Ritz”世界品牌名校畢業, 學歷是將來就業職場保障及終生最大資 產,及~一生的榮 耀 ~


Michelle Shih 石代表

瑞 士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 授權唯一官方台灣代表

(免費協助申請入學及 簽證文件準 備, 安排接機, 行前說明會)


台北市 106 大安區忠孝東路四段 148 號 3F-2 (禮仁通商大樓, 仁座,捷運:忠孝敦化站 5 號出口)

TEL:02-2781-8878 (總機) FAX:02- 2781-8829


e-mail: lincoln8@ms18.hinet.net, Michelle.Shih@lincoln.com.tw

Urgent contact e-mail: michelle_shih2006@yahoo.com.tw

2012 年 7 月 盧森校區新開幕相片

《瑞士》【重大新聞】 美國華盛頓州立大學正式宣佈瑞士分校在凱撒里茲


http://www.business.wsu.edu/WSU-CR/Pages/default.aspx and http://news.wsu.edu/pages/publications.asp?Action=Detail&PublicationID=32390&TypeID=1 

The WSU College of Business inSwitzerland

Read news release

美國華盛頓州立大學 WSU與瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 術合作 30多年,已超過1000位美國華盛頓州立大學畢業生透過到瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學唸書而取得學士學位. 學生有 2種選擇可以到瑞士Cesar Ritz Colleges或美國本校完成學位.

For nearly 30 years, the WSU College of Business (CB) has provided unique educational programs in Europe with César Ritz Colleges of Switzerland. Students from around the state of Washington and around the world have benefited from these educational opportunities in one of Europe’s most beautiful and safest countries. Since 1984, nearly 1,000 WSU students have studied or received their WSU degree through César Ritz Colleges. Students have two options to participate in programs offered by the WSU College of Business and César Ritz:


For traditional WSU students in Pullman, Vancouver, the Tri-Cities or the new Global Campus, an 11-week study abroad program is offered during WSU’s Fall and Spring semesters.


For students (not currently enrolled in WSU), it is possible to obtain the WSU Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management degree on-site in Switzerland, while also obtaining the César Ritz International Business bachelor’s degree. This program offering is unique to higher education by combining the expertise and experience of an AACSB-accredited business school and a traditional Swiss hospitality school. The degrees can be obtained in three years of study, including two, six-month internships.

Program Information



瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學正式與世界知名美國華盛頓州立大學成為學術夥伴, 學生註冊瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學學士課程, 可以選擇第二張美國華盛頓州立大學頒發Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality & Business Management in商業及餐旅管理學士學位, 學生可以選擇取得1張或2張學士學位 (瑞士César Ritz Colleges+ 美國Washington State University), 都必須完成研究報告及成績達成至少GPA 2.5.

Exciting developments at César Ritz Colleges

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland is continuing to develop its structure and programmes. A reinforced collaboration with Washington State University clearly positions César Ritz Colleges as one of the world’s leading hospitality educational establishments while our new campus in Lucerne offers unique flexible options to students.
Our new Bachelor programme is oriented towards hospitality and tourism business management with a focus on research and consultancy in the final three terms and was developed in collaboration with our international partners and in line with industry recommendations. This new programme will therefore allow César Ritz students to graduate with a world-class Swiss and American Bachelor degree. Furthermore, professors from WSU will teach terms seven and eight of the programme in Brig. New electives have also been added to allow students to specialize in their particular field of interest.

While the academic collaboration between César Ritz Colleges and WSU has existed for over 25 years, this new collaboration reinforces César Ritz Colleges’ position as one of the world’s leading hospitality educational establishments.

New César Ritz Campus in Lucerne
César Ritz Colleges now counts three great campuses! Our latest addition, in Lucerne will be based in the magnificent “Union” building in the heart of the city and just minutes from Lake Lucerne. Students starting our Bachelor programme will have the opportunity to spend their first two years in either Le Bouveret or Lucerne before going to the University Centre César Ritz in Brig for the final year of the programme.

The magnificent “Union” building in the town of Lucerne was built in the early 1900’s and underwent major renovations to welcome students in modern facilities. Located near Lake Lucerne, only 45 minutes away from Zurich by train or by car, Lucerne is a world-renowned tourism destination, known for its culture and modern convention centre.

American Collaboration
Established over 100 years ago, Washington State University (WSU) offers one of the leading hospitality management programmes in the USA, consistently ranked among the top 10 of its kind.

César Ritz Colleges is a school with three great campuses! Located throughout Switzerland, the birthplace of hospitality, our campuses allow you to discover both the French and the German parts of Switzerland.

Le Bouveret Campus – on the shores of Lake Geneva
The Professional Centre César Ritz, is situated in a small French-speaking town and summer resort called Le Bouveret lying conveniently near the major city of Geneva and important towns of Montreux and Lausanne. The campus is located in a magnificent building dating back to the early 1900’s, just minutes from the town centre. Our new campus building provides 100 fully equipped single deluxe rooms and state-of-the-art kitchen facilities.

Lucerne Campus – in central Switzerland
The César Ritz Campus is located in the magnificient “Union” building in the town of Lucerne. which was built in the early 1900’s and which underwent major renovations to welcome students in modern facilities. Located near Lake Lucerne, only 45 minutes away from Zurich by train or by car, Lucerne is a world-renowned tourism destination, known for its culture and modern convention centre.

Brig Campus – at the foot of the Matterhorn
The University Centre is situated in the town of Brig-Glis, the largest German-speaking town in the Valais Region and at the foot of various famous ski resorts such as Zermatt and Saas-Fee.
Brig’s charming cobblestoned centre with its many restaurants, bars, cafes and shops, is located within walking distance. The central tra.in station is just few minutes away from the campus where trains can take you to Bern in one hour or to Milan in just one hour and a half!

While the winter ski slopes are easily reachable by car, train and bus, Brig also offers a variety of summer activities, the outdoor swimming pool being very popular among students.