《瑞士》【恭賀】 第一次聯合國世界觀光組織歐洲會議在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學舉辦

聯合國世界觀光組織 (World Tourism Organization) TedQual(Certificate for Quality Tourism Education專業觀光教育研究證書認證)第一次歐洲舉辦會議於2010年10月13日在瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學舉辦.
César Ritz Colleges是瑞士第一個也是唯一榮獲由聯合國世界觀光組織 (World Tourism Organization)頒發 TedQual證書(Certificate for Quality Tourism Education專業觀光教育研究證書),認可César RitzColleges為一專業優質飯店管理及觀光教育機構。 可見其飯店管理及觀光教育位於領導地位.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) chooses César Ritz Colleges in Brig for their first annual European conference TedQual. The conference was held from the 11th to the 13th October 2010, under the direction of Professor John Swarbrooke, Academic director of César Ritz Colleges. A student originally from Ollon, Switzerland was the winner and got rewarded for his remarkable work.
In total, 13 different European universities accepted the invitation to join this conference which was based upon “the role of education in the development of future leaders of the international hotel industry “. A total of 18 professors representing the UNWTO.TedQual certified participating universities covered a variety of topics relating to hotel and tourism management. The Valais canton was represented by Mr. Eric Nanchen, Director of the foundation for sustainable development of the mountain regions, who spoke about sustainable tourism.
E-portfolio by Sacha Guillermin a glance into the future
The César Ritz students had the opportunity to present to these professors’ different interesting projects developed during their studies. In front of an audience of 100 people, Sacha Guillermin received an award for the best presentation for his “e-portfolio” project. This prize includes the possibility to complete internship with the UNWTO.TedQual organization and the opportunity to implement the “e-portfolio” project in different educational institutions around the world.
The UNWTO.TedQual certification at César Ritz Colleges
The UNWTO.TedQual certification was created in conjunction with the World Tourism Organization which is a branch of the United Nations, and recognizes the quality of teaching practices. This certification differs from other recognitions in so far the? UNWTO.TedQual concentrates on the teaching methods and certifies the development of leadership and ethics within the educational institution in accordance with the United Nations values.
César Ritz Colleges is the only Swiss hotel school that has obtained this prestigious quality recognition. As part of this organization, César Ritz Colleges participates in numerous activities. Recently, the “ Higher Hotel Institute of Cyprus” chose César Ritz Colleges due to its international reputation and expertise in the domain of education, to help them develop their academic curriculum. As a contribution to the regional programme for Africa, César Ritz Colleges assists to the development of hotel management programmes as well as the establishment of specialized libraries in the domain of Hotel and Tourism in Tunisia. This project is being developed with the collaboration of the UNWTO.Themis foundation and implemented by the Minister of Tourism and Education of Tunisia.

LinksMore information about UNWTO.TedQual http://www.unwto-themis.org/en/programmes/tedqual