《瑞士》【恭賀】凱撒里茲教授獲頒 Nestle Pro Gastronomia foundation award 榮譽獎

國際知名EuroCHRIE 餐旅教育家協會於2010年11月19日在阿姆斯特丹年會頒發Nestle Pro Gastronomia foundation award榮譽獎給瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學教授Mr George Ortiz 表彰他對國際餐旅教育熱情貢獻傑出表現.
Recognition to Mr George Ortiz and his passon for excellent

During the annual EuroCHRIE conference held in Amsterdam this year, Mr George Ortiz was honoured with the Nestle Pro Gastronomia foundation award.
The European Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education is the official federation for Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and Africa of International CHRIE, the leading international organization that supports education and training for the world’s largest industry.
Hosted by students and staff of the Stenden International Hospitality Management and Saxion Hospitality Business School.
A man of Ethics and Principles
We are proud to learn with the highest standards of the Hospitality Industry and Mr Ortiz was in charge of passing all his knowledge in his service and beverage lessons at the University Centre César Ritz. After over 14 years of hard work Mr Ortiz decided to retire but it is common to see him at school in Brig helping students and directives. The award given to Mr Ortiz was voted upon by his peers in education from different institutions around the globe. This award was fairly given in recognition of his “Passion for Excellence in hospitality and education”.
Special recognition to Mr. George Ortiz from César Ritz Colleges
On behalf of thousands of students and colleagues, we would like to give a special recognition and appreciation to Mr. Georges Ortiz, who for many years has dedicated his life to improve our industry, has actively contributed to the education of successful hospitality leaders and has taught students and friends, generation after generation, to appreciate the beauty of details and nature. A man of ethics and principles embracing the best of all worlds, a warm Spanish heart, a disciplined Swiss mind, and a universal soul.
“EuroCHRIE conference provided an exceptional opportunity to meet new partners to future collaboration, not forgetting the social program.”